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International Programme Committee

The role of the IPC is as follows:- We are grateful for their valuable assistance.

The IPC consists of the following members and, in addition, all Invited Session Chairs:-

KES-SEEL-17 IPC Members

Name Affiliation
Prof. Luis Anido-Rifon University of Vigo, Spain 
Prof. Claudio da Rocha Brito Science and Education Research Council – COPEC 
Dr. Janos Botzheim Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan 
Prof. Dumitru Burdescu University of Craiova, Romania 
Prof. Nunzio Casalino LUISS Business School, Italy 
Prof. Dr. Melany Ciampi World Council on Systems Engineering and Information Technology – WCSEIT 
Mr. Marc Fleetham University of Wolverhampton, UK 
Prof. Brian Garner Deakin University and Knowledge Networks PTY. Ltd, Australia 
Dr. Cristina Gasparri LUISS Business School, Italy 
Prof. Dr. Natalya Gerova Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin; Russia 
Prof. Jean-Pierre Gerval ISEN-Brest, France 
Dr.-Ing. Karsten Henke Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany 
Prof. Alexander Ivannikov Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 
Dr. Aleksandra Klasnja-Milicevic University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Serbia 
Dr. Marina Lapenok Ural State Pedagogical University, Russia 
Prof. Andrew Nafalski University of South Australia, Australia 
Dr. Zorica Nedic University of South Australia, Australia 
Prof. Toshio Okamoto University of Electro-Communications and Kyoto College of Graduates Institute, Japan 
Prof. Enn Õunapuu Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia 
Dr. Mrutyunjaya Panda Utkal University, India 
Dr. Elvira Popescu University of Craiova, Romania 
Dr. Valeri Pougatchev Faculty of Engineering and Computing, University of Technology, Jamaica 
Assoc. Prof. Danguole Rutkauskiene Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania 
Prof. Jerzy Rutkowski Silesian University of Technology, Poland 
Prof. Demetrios Sampson Curtin University, Australia 
Prof. Adriana Schiopoiu Burlea University of Craiova, Romania 
Assoc. Prof. Ruxandra Stoean University of Craiova, Romania 
Prof. Maasnori Takagi Iwate Prefectural University, Japan 
Dr. Gara Miranda Valladares Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife 
Prof. Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke TU Ilmenau, Germany 
Prof. Larissa Zaitseva Riga Technical University, Latvia 



NEW! Book launched in the KES-Springer SIST series 'Smart Universities - Concepts, Systems and Technologies' edited by a team of KES members V.L.Uskov, J.P.Bakken, R.J.Howlett and L.C.Jain'